CGIAR / ILRI / Research / SDG

Open letter to the heads of state attending the 70th UN General Assembly, September 2015, New York

Ahead of the 70th United Nations General Assembly in New York with a Sustainable Development Summit on 25–27 September 2015, 15 CGIAR centres have collectively written a call to heads of state to support the research institutes as they work towards a food-secure future.

ILRI news


Figure of a woman, pre-dynastic Egypt, 3500–3400 BCE (Brooklyn Museum).

Co-advancement of Agricultural
and Natural Resource Management

within the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 global goals which you have supported the creation of
are an unrivalled span of human aspiration
covering everything from sharing prosperity,
to protecting the planet, to promoting a more peaceful world.

The commitments, resources and accountability
that you have offered in support are tremendous,
and have helped to fill a huge political gap by acting collectively.

Reducing rural poverty, ensuring food and nutrition security,
and improving natural resource systems
are key dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These are also the shared strategic goals of the 15 centres of CGIAR.

Together we stand ready to engage and be accountable for
our contributions to the entire SDG ambition, specifically to:

SDG1: Poverty
SDG2: Food security and nutrition
SDG6: Water
SDG7: Sustainable energy

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